Hilton, Waldorf Astoria Collection hotels in France
Below are listed all hotels present on LookingforBooking that Hilton, Waldorf Astoria Collection has in France. The hotels have been listed in alphabetical order according to the name of the location.
Hotels in France
1 Boulevard De La Reine, Versailles
- Airport (Paris Orly Airport, 19.9 km)
- Airport (Toussus-le-Noble Airport, 6.6 km)
- Golf course (Golf National, 7.0 km)
- Golf course (Golf Saint-Marc, 6.7 km)
- Golf course (Golf Saint-Cloud, 6.9 km)
- Golf course (Golf de la Grenouillère, 7.1 km)
- Golf course (Golf Noisy le Roi, 7.1 km)
- Golf course (Racing Club de France, 3.4 km)
- Golf course (Golf du Stade Français Vaucresson, 5.0 km)
More hotels in Versailles